Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Updated Lesson Schedule

Hey Raynham Riders,

We've had a ton of changes to the schedule this session, below is an updated version of the schedule. Again, I appreciate the flexibility from those of you that have switched days!  If there is an issue with your posted time, below, please let me know ASAP!

I'm not 100% happy with the schedule, I prefer group lessons to only have 4 riders if at all possible.  There are a few group classes with only 2 or 3 riders and a few with 5.  I have listed the levels of the lessons below.  If you are riding in a group of 5 and are able to switch to a day/time with fewer students, let me know!

It's great to see so many familiar faces back at the barn!  Fingers crossed the spring-like weather will be arriving soon!


Group Lesson Schedule

7:00pm: Ring One - Intermediate/Advanced, Teens 
8:00pm: Ring One - Novice/Intermediate, Teen/Adult

7:00pm: Ring Two - Novice/Intermediate, Youth/Teen

6:00pm - Ring Two - Novice/Intermediate, Youth/Teen

Thursday: (Ideally prefer one of these lessons on Wednesdays)
5:30pm: Ring Two - Advanced Beginner, Child/Youth
6:30pm: Ring Two - Novice, Youth
7:00pm: Ring One - Intermediate, Teen
7:30pm: Ring Two - Novice/Intermediate, Youth/Teen 

Saturday: (Ideally prefer one of these lessons on Sundays)
10:30am: Ring One - Intermediate, Adults
11:30am: Ring One - Novice/Intermediate, Youth/Teen 
11:30am: Ring Two - Advanced Beginner, Child/Youth 
12:30pm: Ring One - Advanced, Teen/Adult
12:30pm: Ring Two - Novice, Youth/Teen
  1:30pm: Ring Two - Novice, Youth/Teen

10:30am: Ring Two - Novice/Intermediate, Youth/Teen
11:30am: Ring Two - Advanced Beginner, Child/Youth
12:30pm: Ring Two - Novice/Intermediate - Youth/Teen
  1:30pm: Ring One - Intermediate/Advanced, Teen